how to be a good boyfriend

How to be a good boyfriend tip #1. Stay well groomed. It’s hard to say this but most guys are not well groomed. I am guilty of this on many occasions. Some tips on keeping well groomed includes maintaining your hair. Never leave the house looking like you just woke up. Put on some Gel if you have to. If you have bad breath, make sure you have gum or tik taks near by. Scrape your tongue with a tongue scraper after brushing your teeth to further prevent bad breath. If you notice you have visible nose hair then take care of it before someone notices. Women don’t like their boyfriends smelling like a fish, so take plenty of showers and put on deodorant to be clean and smell good.

for more information on how to be a good boyfriend , please click here.

How to be a good boyfriend tip #2. Take pride in how you look. Not every guy has to be good looking, but they look good. Its much easier than you think. When you take pride in what you wear, you show confidence and we all know that confidence is something that every girl looks for in a boyfriend.

A pair of nice jeans, a fashionable shirt, and a pair of nice shoes is an awesome way to begin. Don’t accessorize too much because you might be mistaken for being too metro-sexual. When you start taking pride in what you wear, your girl will have confidence introducing you to her friends and acquaintances when you guys are out. No girl wants to introduce her Boyfriend who is wearing sweats and a plain t-shirt to her friends.

How to be a good boyfriend tip #1. Stay well groomed. It’s hard to say this but most guys are not well groomed. I am guilty of this on many occasions. Some tips on keeping well groomed includes maintaining your hair. Never leave the house looking like you just woke up. Put on some Gel if you have to. If you have bad breath, make sure you have gum or tik taks near by. Scrape your tongue with a tongue scraper after brushing your teeth to further prevent bad breath. If you notice you have visible nose hair then take care of it before someone notices. Women don’t like their boyfriends smelling like a fish, so take plenty of showers and put on deodorant to be clean and smell good.

how to be a good boyfriend tip #3. Have eye contact. This is one very important factor of maintaining a great relationship but many boyfriends overlook this crucial step which results in arguments. When your girlfriend looks at you directly and starts talking about something that is important to her, maintain eye contact. Turn your body so that it is facing hers to show that she has your full attention. It might be very hard when you are occupied with games or a movie but these are the sacrifices that us boyfriends have to bear with to keep a strong and healthy relationship.

How to be a good boyfriend tip #4. Seek to understand then to be understood. This is a very powerful quote taken from best selling author Steven Covey. When a big argument is just over the horizon, you can prevent this argument from ever taking place by simply understanding her first. Let her know you understand her situation, but you have a brain and you have opinions as well that needs to be explained.

Before the voices gets raised, start by saying ‘honey I understand your situation, but please allow me to explain my concerns’. I have witness these simple words defuse many potential arguments. By following this simple guideline, you and yours truly will be working together to solve the problem instead of screaming at each other trying to be heard.

How to be a good boyfriend tip #5. Please her best friends. We all have heard of it: Girls get together to analyze their boyfriends. If you are entering a new relationship, get to know her best friends. If you want to impress her, get to know her group of friends. first impression matters. Take them out for some drinks. It might hurt your wallet but it is an investment. When your girlfriend gets together with her friends and they talk about the pros and cons of their boyfriends, you will sound like a hero and your girlfriend will feel very proud to have you as a boyfriend.

How to be a good boyfriend tip #6. If you manage to gain the trust with your girlfriend’s friends, use them to gain valuable knowledge about what your girlfriend is into, her favorite foods, movies, and places. Girls love to see their man take initiative. During birthdays and special occasions that calls for a present, contact her closest friends and ask them what kinda gifts does your girlfriend wants. We all know that it is hard to shop for your significant other so having her friends on your side will save you plenty of stress when the time comes to present her a gift.
How to be a good boyfriend tip #7. Stay consistent. Many boyfriends struggle with this rule. Remember when you and your partner first met? Remember how much attention you gave her? Lets forward two years later. Do you think you still gave her the same amount of attention? If you are in a new relationship then reminisce on a previous relationship. What I am trying to say is that your girlfriend might feel like the flame is dieing or that you are loosing interest in her but the reality of the situation is that the excitement of a new relationship is gone, that is all. Stay consistent and show her the attention that she wants from you.

Dedicate a Saturday or a Sunday to her and tell her that this is her day. Do whatever she wants to do or surprise her with something special. Maybe a romantic dinner or a fun day doing what she enjoys. If you give her a day out of a week or a month, you will be pleasantly surprised on how many brownie points you have earned. If you are thinking ‘well my shcedule is very busy’, make time. No one said having a relationship is easy but if you can maintain a healthy relationship, the good times outweigh the bad times ten to one.

How to be a good boyfriend tip #8 1/2. The first one is vocal. Many girlfriends needs to hear you say that you love them. It is not as easy as saying ‘ I love you’. The tone in your voice needs to be the exact same as the first time that you said it and actually felt it. Girls can sense these little things in their boyfriends.

How to be a good boyfriend tip #8 2/2. Many girlfriends needs you to show them that you love them by buying them things. These girls gets such a bad reputation for being materialistic but it is not as simple as a label. Every mature adult that is ready for a relationship understands the value of a dollar. She does not want you to spend your money but it means a whole lot to her when you spend your hard earned money to buy her a gift that would light up her eyes.

for more information on how to be a good boyfriend , please click here.

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